Dr. Comments

Retired neurosurgeon; Developer of TENS; Founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association; author of over 300 papers and 2 dozen books; world’s foremost expert on chronic pain
I’m getting such great results with the PRRT. One of my patients (I’m a predoctoral fellow in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine), was in tears from her SI pain, and then at the end of the session, had tears of joy with her sincere handshake while thanking me for the relief she felt. Afterwards, my attending requested a treatment. He’s been in practice for close to forty years, and was highly impressed with his results. I’ve gone in to complicated patient’s rooms completely doubting PRRT could work, and stepped out excited and inspired that it did! My 82-year-old grandmother has had two hip replacements and a knee replacement, along with chronic pain from the surgeries. I tried PRRT on her, “just for the heck of it.” She was so tender every place I palpated, jumping off the table. With just the techniques I learned in the beginners course, she had relief of tenderness, and felt great when she stood up. She reached toward her toes, stating she hadn’t done that without pain in “a long time!” If only I’d known the PRRT before her surgeries, maybe she could have avoided one or two, or have felt relief sooner. I am super excited and inspired with the PRRT and look forward to learning more.
Forth Worth, TX
You’ve clearly unraveled a major part of the complexity of relief of pain as I’ve witnessed in both your Seminar and observing you in your practice. In my years of practice, I’ve never seen any hands on techniques that work as fast as yours. I should know for I am a pain management specialist and lecture internationally on pain. Your work is ahead of where the science of pain is.
PhD Neurophysiology, Maui, Hawaii
I am having a great time with the techniques and have had some interesting results!! Recently someone told me it was A MIRACLE!! I haven’t been as enthusiastic about a form of treatment since I introduced coronary bypass to this part of the world some 36 years ago. I also am totally blown away by the results from PRRT™.
Private Practice, Charlotte, NC

Orthopedic Surgeon, Anaheim, CA

Fort Worth, TX

Internal Medicine, Poway, CA

PRRT™ is going to change how many if not most musculoskeletal problems are treated.
Private Practice, Placerville, CA
I am a board-certified orthopedic surgeon with a specialty in foot and ankle surgery, sports medicine and injection therapy in the San Diego area. I have had the pleasure of working with John Iams for 30 years. During this time John has helped many of my patients with spectacular results. I can truly say John has developed something special with his reflex release techniques. The patients are pain-free after one to two sessions! John has also treated multiple members of my family with great results. I can attest the beneficial response of John’ approach to musculoskeletal pain and think it has definite clinical value.
Orthopedic Surgeon, Poway, CA